

Answers to some of the most frequent asked questions in our league


Whether you’re new to our league or just want to know more about something this FAQ can help answer some of the most asked questions we get as a league.

When Does Registration Open/Close For Spring and Fall?2023-02-16T19:19:05+00:00

Registration for spring baseball opens the 2nd week of January after our monthly board meeting.  Registration will close roughly 1 month prior to the start of the season.  Spring seasons typically start mid-April and run through the end of June.

Registration for fall baseball opens the 2nd week of July after our monthly board meeting.  Registration will close roughly 1 month prior to the start of the season.  Fall seasons typically start mid-September and run through the end of October.  Fall baseball is only 6 weeks long with games only on Sunday and no mandatory practices (unless a coach chooses otherwise)

What Age Group Should I Register My Athlete For?2023-02-16T19:22:24+00:00

Your league age is determined by the age of the athlete prior to May 1st.  For example if your athlete is 10 years old and their birthday is June 1st, they should be registered to play in the 10 year old division.  If your athlete is 10 years old and their birthday is February 1st, they would turn 11 before the age cut off date and would have to play in the 11/12 year old division.  Athletes are permitted to play up an age group but never down an age group.

How Often Are Games and Practices?2023-02-16T19:20:02+00:00

At SEDBSL we tell our parents to expect 1 game and 2 practices or 2 games and 1 practice per week.  The League will set the game schedule but coaches will set and dictate the practice schedule.

In general we schedule roughly 14 games per year in hopes are getting 12 games played, accounting for weather.  Practices are left up to the coaches to schedule.  SEDBSL gets limited field permits for practice fields.  Baseball field priority is given to older divisions while younger divisions are encouraged to find open space and use league provided throw down bases to create a field.  SEDBSL cannot guarantee practice fields but will do everything possible to find solutions.

How Much Does Each Season Cost?2023-02-16T19:21:13+00:00

Season costs vary by age group and season played:

Spring Season: $185-$305* (age dependent)
Fall Season: $120*

*Pricing can fluctuate from season to season

SEDBSL has a scholarship program to help families in need with league costs.  If you need assistance, please contact one of the League Officers or your Division Director.

Prices are set by the board and take into account costs from uniforms, field permits and umpires.

What Equipment Do You Need?2023-02-16T19:22:00+00:00

SEDBSL will provide new uniform tops and hats for each season played.  Additionally coaches bags will have catchers gear, helmets, baseballs and, depending on age group, throw down bases.

Players are responsible for: Belts, Socks, Pants (Usually White unless stated otherwise by coaches) Cleats, Gloves, Bats (can be shared amongst players), Equipment bags and any hydration products necessary.

What Bats Can We Use?2022-11-30T23:11:58+00:00

For all age divisions from 5/6 to 11/12 players in the Recreational divisions must use Team USA stamped bats with a maximum barrel of 2 5/8″.  For the Seniors division, ages 13-15, players are permitted to use any bat type they want including USSSA bats with a maximum barrel of 2 3/4″.

All Tournament division teams are permitted to use tournament level bats including USSSA bats.

Pitching Rules and Guidelines2023-02-16T19:20:34+00:00

Player pitching starts in the 9 year old division at SEDBSL.  Coaches are to adhere to the Cal Ripken/Babe Ruth pitch count guidelines found on the Coaches Resources page.

Pitching Distances:
9U and 10U – 46ft
11/12U – 50ft
13-15U – 54ft

What Do I Need To Do If I Want To Coach?2023-02-16T19:20:52+00:00

In order to coach at SEDBSL you will need 5 things:

  1. Cal Ripken Coaches Certification – Required 1 Time (League can reimburse for the fee)
  2. CDC Heads Up Concussion Certificate – Required Yearly
  3. Abuse Prevention Training – Required Yearly
  4. Pass A Background Check – Required Yearly
  5. Desire to help develop a passion to learn and play baseball with your athletes

Items 1-4 can be found on the Coaches Resources page.

Coaching is 100% Voluntary.  There are no paid coaching positions within SEDBSL.  If you wish to coach at SEDBSL please make sure you have the time to dedicate to your athletes for practices and games.

Who Do I Contact If I Have An Issue?2023-02-16T19:19:38+00:00

Start with your League Director.  They have the best understanding of the dynamics of your division and the teams invloved.  If the issue needs to be escalated, your League Director will get in contact with the League President who can answer your questions or resolve your issue.

Weather Cancellation Policy2023-02-16T19:21:35+00:00

Because Denver Parks usually updates early in the afternoon, SEDBSL will send any game cancellation notices will be sent as soon as League personnel are made aware.  Notices will either be sent by email or push notifications through the league app.

Practice cancellations are up to the coaches to determine, however, if DPR/DPS says fields are closed due to weather, coaches must adhere to these guidelines.

Every attempt to reschedule games will be made by the League.

Denver Parks and Rec Weather Hotline: (720) 865-6978

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