In order to be a coach at Southeast Denver, you must have the following certifications in place prior to the start of the season. The Cal Ripken Coaches Certificate is a 1-time course and incurs a small fee which SEDBSL will reimburse upon request. Certificates of Completion must be emailed to your division director. Concussion, Abuse Prevention and Background Checks MUST be completed and updated yearly.
Below are resources to help you understand and manage pitch counts. There are mandatory pitch counts for each age group within Southeast Denver and these must be strictly adhered to for player safety and development.
Official Cal Ripken/Babe Ruth Pitch Count Matrix
Days Rest | Ages 9-10 | Ages 11-12 | Ages 13-15 | Ages 16-18 |
0 Days Rest | 1-40 Pitches | 1-40 Pitches | 1-45 Pitches | 1-45 Pitches |
1 Day Rest | 41-65 Pitches | 41-65 Pitches | 46-75 Pitches | 46-75 Pitches |
2 Days Rest | 66-75 Pitches | 66-85 Pitches | 76-95 Pitches | 76-105 Pitches |
Single Game Max | 75 Pitches | 85 Pitches | 95 Pitches | 105 Pitches |

USA Baseball and MLB team up to help young players reduce arm injuries by providing a comprehensive resource for safe pitching practices.
Baseball is a safe game to play at all ages, but research has shown that pitching too much — particularly at a young age — can increase a pitcher’s risk of injury.

The USA Baseball Mobile Coach is a revolutionary tool that aims to simplify practice planning for baseball coaches at all levels. The app, which is free to all users, features the ability for baseball coaches at all levels to plan practices using drills supplied in the application through the practice planning function. The app also includes information related to Pitch Smart, including guidelines, resources, and pitch counting features.
Denver Parks & Recreation has a limited number of employees that maintain and check fields daily. Therefore, they usually provide updates on closed fields later in the afternoon. We also do a late afternoon assessment of the fields we maintain at Holly Hills. We will do our best to send out notices of field cancellations by 4pm via coaches and/or league generated communications. If the games aren’t cancelled and the weather changes closer to game time, coaches can make a decision to cancel their game and should contact the league so that umpires can be notified and games can be rescheduled.
Denver Parks and Recreation has a weather hotline which is updated daily. You can call the number to get a status of whether or not fields are open or closed for the day.